Nagomi Global Sdn.Bhd.
Nagomi Global Sdn.Bhd.

For the future development of Johor

Since 2014 we have been working to revitalize Johor Bahru, focusing on vale of Johor Bahru.
Since our establishment in 2014, we have been discovering the charm and value of Johor Bahru and promoting to revitalize the city. Our business covers education of English and diversity, planning for sport-oriented or marketing event.
弊社では、ジョホールバルの持つ潜在的な価値や持てる魅力を見極め、その活用方法を独自の目線で考えます。 地元に根差したローカルネットワークを駆使して、質が良く、コストパフォーマンスにも優れたオリジナルな提案ができるように努力しています。
We determine the value of Johor Bahru and consider how to utilize it from our own perspective. Making full use of the local network rooted in the local area, we will make proposals with good quality and excellent cost performance.
Our logo mark is based on Kodenari flowers. Each flower is small, but it means that together they make one beautiful flower. While cherishing each and every project, I work hard every day to make a big flower bloom in Johor Bahru.

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弊社は2014年に設立以来、ジョホールバルを活性化するための活動を継続しております。 ジョホールバルが持つ価値に着目し、それに独自のアイディアを加え、日本や世界に存在する日本人に対して発信を続け、より多くの日本人がジョホールバルに注目してもらえるように日々努力を続けています。

Since establishment in 2014, we have been working to revitalize Johor Bahru. Focusing on vale of Johor Bahru , adding unique ideas to it and continuing to disseminate to the Japanese people in Japan and the world. We are working everyday to get more Japanese people to pay attention to Johor Bahru.

Contact Us:

Nagomi Global Sdn.Bhd.
03-11 Wisma SP Setia, Indah Walk3 Jalan Indah 15, Taman Bukit Indah, 81200 Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia

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